This stuff looks pretty cool. I’m not sure how sturdy it is, there is always a problem with plastic utensils. But I’m convinced that it would be the ultimate cutlery for Dining in the Dark. My big concern would be to not break the handle and accidently season my food with biohazardous glowing goo. If anything, you’ll never have a problem finding your spoon under the table if you drop it.
Category: Accessories
Vegware – Disposable Cutlery
Plastic cutlery is making people very angry these days. The production of plastic cutlery uses melamine which caused the pet food poisonings of late. And think about this for a second, this is a one use item that doesn’t break down. Environmental disaster at your picnic! But problem solved thanks to “Vegware” whose cutlery is made from potato and corn starch. It will biodegrade in your compost in 180 days and is heat resistant up to 105°C/220°F. I wonder if they considered making it edible? 🙂
Coffin Cutlery Caddy
Happy Halloween! When I started to look for Halloween themed cutlery I was expecting to find skeleton forks or something, but this was an unexpected find. The perfect container for the orange and black plastic flatware at your child’s party. And if you are into that scene then it’s handy year round. Don’t forget that to some people everyday is Halloween. And more importantly remember that it’s still cool to eat your chocolate bar with a fork and knife.
Coffee spoon named “Columbia”
An amazing spoon with an unfortunate name, the “Columbia”. This measuring spoon sounds like it should be in the same family as the McDonalds spoon, but it isn’t. The name relates to the fact that it is a coffee spoon. All that aside it is a beautiful design.