Oneida Tuscany 45-Piece Flatware Set

41TiWVIGj0LLooks at these handles. Just look at them. It’s not often cutlery goes for an unusual texture (other than horn) on the handles. I have to say that this is some stylistic risk taking by Oneida’s Italian designer. And it would be on your part as well to fit your table layout. But in my opinion it doesn’t go too far out there to be off-putting or too wacky. This 45 piece set is a service for 8 and the standard 18/0 stainless dishwasher safe steel.

Oneida Tuscany 45-Piece Flatware Set, Service for 8


Good Grips Weighted Utensils for extra help


I had blogged about this item in the past but the link went stale so it was lost. This type of cutlery item seems to get the most attention when I write about it. There are many people that are or have family members affected by strokes, Parkinson’s or even Alzheimer’s as well as other conditions that affect motor function. The Good Grips product has at least 6 ounces of weight in the large easy to grasp handle that provides stability required.  The ambidextrous fork and spoon can be bent left or right depending on the user, this makes direction to the mouth easier. The bowl size and depth of the spoons reduces spilling and the knife is used in a rocking fashion making it require less strength. I’ve handled some of the fancy “auto stabilizing” utensils and the result is expensive and ineffective. These are priced right and dishwasher safe of course.

Good Grips Weighted Utensils Set of 4


Steel Spoon Straws

21P-9oVqInLThe steel spoon straws from Danesco have a plethora of uses. I’ve seen them used by bartenders for mixing and serving drinks. I’ve seen them used with that cool South American Mate drink. I’ve seen them used in Ice Cream parlors to get the last little bit of delicious out of the bottom of the metal milk shake cup.  And best of all, it’s a straw that you didn’t know you had when you don’t have any. Cause really, who keeps straws in the house?

 Danesco Stainless Steel Spoon Straws Set of 4


Oneida Mooncrest Flatware for 8



Oneida is a major player in this game and there is no questioning it. Their history goes back to the 1880s with a interesting connection to the movement known as Perfectionism. The Mooncrest flatware set is actually a 18/0 stainless (contains no nickel) and dishwasher safe. It has a nice extended set that includes a serving spoon, pierced serving spoon, meat fork, butter knife, and sugar spoon. What is a pierced serving spoon you ask? Why it is a holey spoon of course.

 Oneida Mooncrest 45-Piece Flatware Set, Service for 8
