David Mellor’s Minimal Cutlery

David MellorMinimalist design in flatware is where it’s at right now and for good reason. The fancy shmancy silverware days of yore are behind us and we welcome our utilitarian overlords. David Mellor’s “Minimal” is lean and mean. The fork and knife are functional and the design flows. The spoon on the other hand is more of a ladle and doesn’t fit well. For a better spoon and something a little less minimal check out his “London” design.

From DavidMellorDesign.com


Unica Home – C2 from Mono

C2 from MonoUnica Home is a nice retail site for everything you might need in your home. OK, maybe not need, more like want. Bonnie and Hugh run the website out of Las Vegas and have an eye for the unique. Eveything from black skull plateware to toy cars. The pictured cutlery is “C2 from Mono” which has an amusing way of letting you tell your server whether you want meat or fish. Go take a look.

Available from Unica Home
