The Pinoy Spoon Incident

Pinoy Spoon IncidentA 7-year-old Filipino boy in Quebec was punished by his school lunch monitor for eating with a spoon and fork rather than fork and knife. He was made to eat alone. This style of using cutlery is used by people in Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand. Canada (where I live) is a multicultural society and this incident is embarrassing. Two great articles about the incident and living in a diverse world are below.

Read More at NewsFlash.Org


McDonald’s coffee spoon


The McDonald’s coffee spoon has a sordid past and solid ending. Am I the only one who remembers these? It seems that this icon of the 80s has slipped away and no one noticed. They were flimsy and completely useless for stirring your coffee as it was. The other use seems ridiculous looking back now.

Details at CannibssNews (of course)
