Happy Holidays from The Cutlery Review

spoon licker

This is Spoon Licker. On December 15th, he sneaks into houses and licks the wooden spoon used to scrape pots. He is a Yule Lad that is part of Icelandic fork lore, I mean folklore.

And he is wishing all of you a Happy Holidays from The Cutlery Review!


Spoonful of Spoons Video

It’s called the “Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon” when you start noticing something everywhere. Like for instance you write a blog about cutlery and you really like the design of spoons. Then suddenly every single day you start seeing spoons everywhere. It’s a fatal flatware affliction.


Heavy Cutlery means better taste?

Heavy cutlery
Heavy cutlery

There is a great new food site from the people at Vice called Munchies.Vice.com and they have an interesting article about heavy cutlery. The results of a study at Oxford University state that food seems to taste better if you use heavy forks and knives. An experiment showed that the people using  weighty knives and forks thought their food actually tasted better that those who were given lightweight cutlery.

The image above shows Exercise Cutlery from a previous post of ours.

So what do you think? Do you notice that the food doesn’t get the respect it deserves if it’s served with something like plastic cutlery? I think so. So how do chopsticks affect the situation? Questions and more questions about flatware…

Read the Article at Munchies.Vice.com

