Vegware – Disposable Cutlery

Vegware - Disposable CutleryPlastic cutlery is making people very angry these days. The production of plastic cutlery uses melamine which caused the pet food poisonings of late. And think about this for a second, this is a one use item that doesn’t break down. Environmental disaster at your picnic! But problem solved thanks to “Vegware” whose cutlery is made from potato and corn starch. It will biodegrade in your compost in 180 days and is heat resistant up to 105°C/220°F. I wonder if they considered making it edible? 🙂

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Achille Castiglioni’s Award Winning Dry Cutlery

Achille Castiglioni Dry CutleryAchillie Castiglioni’s Dry Cutlery design has been chosen by the London Design museum as one of the top designs over the last 25 years. This list also included the iPod and the Freeplay Windup radio. Achille died in 2002 and is still considered one of the top industrial designers of our time. Made of both polished and matt stainless steel, this work designed in 1982 continues to have an effect. Cutlery as functional art? Yes indeed.

Learn more about Achille Castiglioni’s work at

The case of the disappearing teaspoons

The case of the disappearing teaspoonsThis is an important study that you should be away of. Objectives: To determine the overall rate of loss of workplaceteaspoons and whether attrition and displacement are correlatedwith the relative value of the teaspoons or type of tearoom.

We’ll never forget those lost in battle.

Read the report at

James Robinson Handmade Silverware

James Robinson SilverwareSilverware that you can use? That you can put in the dishwasher? That is hard enough that the edge won’t dull or the pattern wear down? The amazing process of making these by hand results in silver that is much tougher than machine stamped silverware. They have some nice patterns and offer custom work as well. Oh, one last benefit is less polishing!

View the gallery at James Robinson