incrEDIBLE Eats Edible Spoons

incrEDIBLE Eats Edible Spoons

Well, it’s our first post here at The Cutlery Review that is about “Edible Cutlery”. Should we add a new category called “Edibles”? Hmmmm….sounds like something else.

In recent years, there has been a fascinating and sustainable shift in the culinary world with the rising trend of edible spoons. These innovative utensils are made from a variety of natural and edible materials such as rice, wheat, or corn, providing a delicious and eco-friendly alternative to traditional disposable plastic cutlery. The edible spoon trend aligns with the growing awareness of environmental concerns, offering a solution to reduce single-use plastic waste generated by conventional utensils. Beyond their eco-conscious appeal, edible spoons can add an extra layer of flavor and texture to the dining experience, turning the act of utensil disposal into a delightful conclusion to a meal.

The popularity of edible spoons has also extended to various culinary experiences, from casual dining to upscale events. Chefs and food enthusiasts appreciate the versatility of these spoons, as they can be customized with different flavors, shapes, and sizes to complement specific dishes. The trend has gained traction not only for its sustainability but also for the creative possibilities it introduces to the culinary landscape. As the demand for environmentally conscious practices continues to grow, edible spoons have become a symbol of innovation and a tasty step towards a more sustainable future in the culinary world.

incrEDIBLE Eats Edible Spoons which were seen on Shark Tank which is a TV show, are a eco-friendly, sturdy, vegan, non-GMO, home compostable edible cutlery made with an edible base of wheat, oat, corn, and chickpeas. They are individually wrapped in paper and 15 to a box. They have the durability needed to hold its structure for 30 minutes in a bowl of hot soup. But be warned you need to let your spoon or spork soften in fluids before eating if you find it too crunchy right out of the box. And also be warned that there are reports they don’t taste that great (we haven’t tried them yet). And also be warned they need to be kept at room temperature and low humidity to stay fresh and flavorful for 6 months. Do we need to tell you they are NOT dishwasher safe?

Get incrEDIBLE Eats Edible Spoons from Amazon


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