What is it called? Cutlery, Flatware or Silverware?

flat flatwareAround here we prefer the term cutlery obviously but the discussion continues everyday about what we call those utensils that we use to put food in our mouths. What is it called? Cutlery, Flatware or Silverware? Isn’t Silverware supposed to be made of silver?

The above image is some flattened design flatware by Josef Hoffmann.

A great post at The Grammarphobia Blog talks about what is “flat” about Flatware and the history of the terms that we seem to use interchangeably.

Check out the article at Grammarphobia


Silver cutlery makes food tastes bad

tarnished silverware
According to an article from Ben Spencer of the Daily Mail Online: Despite centuries of tradition, scientists say that fine cutlery is made of the wrong stuff. Silver knives, forks and spoons make certain types of food taste unpleasant, they have discovered.

  • Silver cutlery found to make certain types of food taste unpleasant
  • Stainless steel, which in most households is reserved for day-to-day eating, performed better than silver in a series of taste tests
  • Gold made food the tastiest because it is the most inert material

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/




A Historical View on Cutlery

uncommon cutleryDid you know that forks were not used much until the 16th century? And that most food was eaten with fingers or a spoon until the 1500s? Spoons and knives have been around for a long time, forks not so much. Cutlery is a recent part of our civilization in the grand perspective.

Read this great article written by Robert Britnell for the Orillia Packet about how cutlery wasn’t all that common.

Cutlery wasn’t always so common @ Orillia Packet
