This has been a long time coming. Less than 10% of plastic is recycled and it’s showing up in our oceans, our fish, our drinking water and our food. Plastic is very useful but becoming a serious danger. Reducing plastic usage must be a goal for everyone.
From – Europe is proposing a ban on single-use plastic items such as cutlery, straws and cotton buds in a bid to clean up the oceans. The European Commission wants to ban 10 items that make up 70% of all litter in EU waters and on beaches. The list also includes plastic plates and drink stirrers.
Plastics Europe, which represents manufacturers, said it supported the “overarching objective” of the proposal but said there must be more resources dedicated to “waste management” to ensure better collection of used plastic.
“Plastic product bans are not the solution,” it said in a statement, and noted that “alternative products may not be more sustainable.”
Here at TheCutleryReview we have been promoting, when we can, the use of Everyday Carry Cutlery (ECC). We believe that alternative products can be more sustainable! The banning of plastic cutlery and straws means that the responsibility is back onto us as the consumer to make the right choice. Some of use can do without a plastic disposable straw, but some with disabilities cannot. Years ago I had a bad experience trying to cut steak at a BBQ with plastic cutlery. Carrying reusable, cleanable, and environmentally conscious cutlery should be become a trend.
In the coming weeks will be sourcing and reviewing Everyday Carry Cutlery options for all of us to help reduce the plastic problem.